DreamWorks Waterpark
Theming water park features with DreamWorks
Weber Group working with DreamWorks and the Hettema Group, Design / Build and supervised the install of a large scope of highly themed Water Features located around the Lazy River and throughout the waterpark.
There is a Giant Shrek Photo Op near the entrance of the park that sprays a 500 gallon per minute geyser under Shrek’s inner tube—lofting him high into the air. This creates the perfect background for making lasting family memories. Other features include; large Dragon Lanterns that shower water gently down into the river, Spraying Dragon Heads and themed water jars, Shrek’s Bathtub Bubbles, Log Water Curtains, Tippy Bucket Trees, Log Wave Jets, Icicle themed Pipe Works, Cascading Iceberg waterfalls and Panda themed scuppers.
We also made the Launch Station that features a giant Viking themed timber slingshot for the world’s largest indoor hydro-magnetic coaster. It was themed around ‘How to Train your Dragon’ and serves at the starting point of the ride.